What you know and what you don’t know

As you know, I am now a drop in the ocean , drift . Let me whither the wind , the flow of which I have . I had no choice , but do not complain ; I began to learn the fate of calm acceptance arranged everything , but I’m not negative . I will do when I try to do , the forgotten what happened, what person, try to forget it . If ever you all , I learned to forget, because forgetting allows me to reduce pain , harvest calm, though not necessarily fast

Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland

Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Best Short Stories
Music, but now I am happy to accept this dull.
As you do not know, I used to really love with you , all my hard work , all live frugally , only to soon in the city to have our little comfort zone , only to soon and you get married . So that we can either happy life together , your family can also be closed for you to press . I know that you can actually have a better choice , in your parents’ eyes, I’m just a minor role , like a cow , like , for ever sacrifice their lives for others . And they look like to you , is the kind of living houses, open car rich families . I know you’re sad , even though you do not know exactly what to do weekends , I just do not want to worry you , but I do not want you to stop the kind of part-time work . I know that in your heart , I am still a university that time I did not appear in the kind of debauchery place . However, in this city , for me, I just tried to make you happy , even though you do not care about Taekwondo , although I do for you as you think are beginning to become secular . But I really think we can finish early stressful distance love , into a new life . I can give up what they have that stubborn principle, that the hypocrisy of noble souls , and that worthless so-called ideal .
As you know, leave you , I really sad for a long time, I kept calling every day send a message , as if Fengleyiban , just to be able to get your film made ​​only word response. But you still lost in my world , went to someone else’s world , even though I know that the world is not you want to go , even though I know you are very sad . But we are still young stubborn as our original paid a heavy price. You sad to leave , all the way to burst into tears, went to the others give you a good arrangement , ” happy life .” And I leave you a month later , also left that once belonged to our temporary nest , leaving you and I love that dream life of the city. We lost in the gorgeous city as dreamy , disappeared along with us that once stubborn love. And this city, without you I’ll still bustling with, ending just our love —
As you do not know, came to this small town, I took my sorrow come, with one thousand ten thousand hearts unwilling to accept the past. And I have to tell you all, are false. I tell you all is false, that several text messages are also happy fake, I just do not allow themselves to be a burden on your feelings , I just want you to adapt to a new life as soon as possible , to become familiar with the strange people arm . I know that this life is that we have missed , and there are likely to miss goodbye. So I must let you feel at ease, only you peace of mind Been to your new life , I was able to pick up the broken mood , licking their wounds . I sold everything in Shenzhen , because everything solidarity with you . Computers, we bought together , desk , we were loaded onto the floor , the book is the struggle we had witnessed . Everything belongs to us all together , because once we are naive to think that we really can never, if we continue, we have never even thought of such a day . But —- happiness was broken in an instant , always in an instant become a joke. And I do not want to live in the memories , I must allow yourself to have a new life , to rediscover myself. Really, leave you for a long time , I have been lost . I went to the bar , not just to earn a part-time tip more for after-hours self-anesthesia ; I have to teach , not just to earn poor hourly fee , but want to own busy. I was busy just do not think about you , you will not want to remember , do not recall it will not pain. Although you never know what I have done these , but I lost it is because of you, because our fragile love. Honey, I do not want to pursue your responsibility , I just want to say that my life is missing you for a long time , I still love you.
Speaking of responsibility , as you know, we love to today, I have to bear the main responsibility . I am a man , although there have been seven feet , but I still should assume everything in our lives . Including you my life, including maintenance we increasingly senile parents , including our love of the crystal : Little Bobby. Although he never appeared on you my life, even though he was not yet born ruthless abandon us . But if we had had to listen to the views of parents , so he came to this world , perhaps , things will not be the finish of today’s tragedy , but should be a person happily wandering around the small Bobby , beginning to enjoy Tianlun . Perhaps, at the moment you are feeding him , and I, are like a nanny , nervous and excited all busy , little Bobby to change diapers, wash his clothes with urine , sweeping , cooking – — can not be down to think, because I wanted it really heartbreaking pain . And now I need is calm .
Dear in our relationship between the two years, once in our lives, all of you should know , happy to make you feel at ease , I let you know. Those who make you worry and pain , I have to go alone swallow . It does not matter , I have come to bear , and now I am too bland and full. Nine to five every day to work , very busy , endless messages endless English words, endless keyboarding until wrists grow thick calluses . And I, in the mirror , I suddenly discovered , eyes, forehead , there have been traces of the years . Though, you have been my life ‘s entanglements stop here , but you have to continue my life . You can live a thousand miles away in the distant done deal of your life , I am in this small city , busy with his new life. I read all the sadness in you, also read myself. I do not blame all the people in the past , a better vision for the future can not be overstated . I was just in an effort to have a good flat today. My dear, I hope you like me . Perhaps one day we will thank destiny brought us all , because those who belong to us all, let us understand not only their own , read the life, but also understand the life , love to read :
Love does not have to be together , not necessarily worried about his life , so you simply once had , as long as , today we can still live .

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